
asi a secas

Que estoy de vuelta, nenes... que si, que si... Llevo unos dias ya en los mandriles, y bueno, la vuelta ha sido amena, que digamos. Aparte de que estoy con fiebre y tal, pero es otro tema.
Nada, de la India, ya os contaré con las imagenes, porque asi ya no se qué contar. Que por cierto, las fotos las tendré el miercoles, ya queda menos. 9x36=324. Pues eso, hice unas 324 imagenes, y me corté, bien porque no siempre tenia carrete, bien porque pensaba en la factura que tendria que pagar luego. Ya estoy pensando en pillarme una digital bonita, o no... un dia... Hago calculos.

En fin, a donde iba... Que tengo cosas pa' vender, chicos, chicas, amantes de la decoracion India, rollo Natura, pero en mas mejor. Best and Cheap. No tengo muchisimas cosas y ya se estan vendiendo asi que daros prisita nenes, que os quedais sin nada :-p.
Ahora os pondre unas fotos pa' que veais.
Esto por un lado.

Y sino, comentaros una cosa que me paso este finde. Me invitaron en el campo, por Toledo, a una cena, donde habia cazadores. No lo sabia antes por lo que acudi alli ingenuamente. Igual no hubiera ido, si no. El tema es que bueno, mas o menos eran gente maja, no me pregunteis como a mi me pueden invitar a tal cena, seria un poco largo de contar y no es lo que nos interesa.
Tonces, empezan a hablar de Africa. Que si somos complices o no de que estemos arrasando el continente, de que vivimos a costa de ellos. Y claro, complices, responsables, un poco somos. O no? Quien aqui se atreve a decirme el contrario? Pues esa gente, algunos portugueses, me empiezan a decir que para nada se sentian mal por lo que pasa. Y eso que la peña viajo, que saben de lo que hablan, al menos por ser del pais que son... En fin, para mi ha sido todo un ejercicio de no enfadarme, de escucharles sin empezar a perder los papeles.
- Pero al menos por saber lo que sabeis y no hacer nada en contra, al menos por eso, considero que tenemos algo que ver, he dicho
- Pero para nada, estos paises, antes, cuando estabamos alli iban bien, gracias a nosotros eran estables... Ahora, han querido ser independientes y mira como estan. Te lo repito he vivido en Zimbabwé 18 meses, sé de lo que te estoy hablando...
- Bueno, vosotros podeis pensar lo que os apetezca, yo, por ser francesa me siento implicada en la mierda que hacemos... Y por suerte sé de mas gente que piensa igual.
Y digo que me siento mal, porque no hago nada en contra de eso, que no sé como hacer para impedirlo.
- Si esto no es problema nuestro, lo tienen que arreglar los gobiernos de aqui, de alla, pero nosotros, no podemos hacer nada
- ...

En fin, para los que no pensais igual que ellos, pasaros por este blog que descubri recientemente: jusqu'ici, tout va bien
No es exclusivamente sobre Africa, si no sobre politica internacional. Y esta muy bien.
Asi que nada, he vuelto mas tranquilita, al menos eso intento, ser positiva, mas calmada, pero no dejo atras la critica. Ademas, me estoy poniendo al dia sobre muchas cosas, y vamos, que hay pa'rato. Elecciones en Francia, el processo de paz de la Eta, etc... Los temas de siempre...
Hasta pronto...

Ahora me tengo que traducirlo todo al ingles... Es lo que tiene viajar, y comunicarse en ingles... y que mal se me da ahora...

So i'm back guys. Since a few days i'm in Madrid again, and more or less, every thing's ok, i'm a bit sick, but it's another thing.
About India, when i get my photos i'll comment more, now i wouldn't know what to say. On wednesday i'll get them, soon indeed. 9x36=324, i've made 324 photos. I must admit that i'm already thinking in buying, one day, a digital camera, i think it will be quite expensive to reveal all thoses films i made. And i could have taken more pictures. But, it's not always easy to find films every where in India...

What else? Ah, i wanted to inform you that i've some Indian decorative staffs that i would like to sell here, be quick if you're interested 'cause i've already sold a few things. Soon i'll upload some picture of this material so that you can check it out.
It's like what they have in Natura but more better. Best and cheap!

And i also wanted to comment something that happened to me this week end. I was invited to a dinner in the country side, in Toledo, south Madrid. At this dinner there were hunters, it'd be a bit dificult to explain how come I can be invited to such a dinner... Anyway, i was there, and if i'd known about the fact they were hunters, the most probable is that i wouldn't have gone. Actually they were kind people, being hunters, they were quite interesting people. The point is that they begun to talk about how Afica is, and if we were feeling guilty about it. Of course, guilty and responsible for what is happening overthere, i think we are, at least a little. Who dares to tell me i'm wrong? And these guys didn't feel nothing about this issue. Sad, maybe, but absolutely not responsible. And they had travelled, they knew what they were talking about, at least being portuguese, they know what we were saying. For me it's been like an exercice. Not to get angry listenning to so much bullshits.
- But, at least, knowing what we know, and not doing nothing against it, i think that we're concerned, i said
- Of course not, when we were in those countries, everything was better. They wanted to be independent, and look the situation now... someone answered. I've been living in Zimbabwé for 18 months, i know what i mean, believe me...
- Ok, you can feel whatever you want, it's ok. The point is that being french, i really feel concerned by what my country is doing there. And i know more people feeling like i do. I say i feel bad about it, basically 'cause i'm not doing nothing to avoid it
- But what do you want to do. Our political representants have to do something, and their own political representants as well, but we're not able to do nothing...
- ...

Anyway, for those that they don't agree with that people, please have a look to that blog i've found theses days: jusqu'ici tout va bien
It's not exclusively about Africa, but internationnal politic, and it's very good.

So, as you can see, i'm back, a bit more quiet than before, more positive and less angry, but i'm not going to stop criticizing what i want. More over, i'm getting aware of a lot of facts, and there's a lot to say... about the french elections, about the process of peace with Eta in Spain, etc... Usual issues...
See you soon...

This translation is quite bad, english speaking fellows... I'm sorry... :) Hope you understand anyway. Ciao !

1 comentario:

Jorfe dijo...

Soy el primero!!!
Siempre me gustó ser el primero en estas cosas :P